
  • Post Delivery Care
    (post natal care)

    Treatment for improve digestion, metabolism,
    vata balance and support lactation.

  • Hair care

    Treatment for hair loss , dandruff, Alopecia,
    Premature Greying of Hair, Seborrheic Dermatitis

  • Skincare

    Treatment for Skin diseases, herbal formulation for skin.
    Skin whitening treatment.

  • Vata diseases

    Treatment for Amavata (rueumetoid Arthirtis ) , sandi vata (osteorarthritis) lumber spondylosis ,
    cervical spondylosis , sciatica.

  • Digestive Problem

    Treatment for Gastritis , Gastric Ulcer, Constipation Diarrhea.

  • Anorectal Diseases

    Treatment for Piles, Fissure, Fistula.

  • weight loss treatment

    Reduce weight without losing strength virility.

  • weight gain treatment

    Treatment for maintaining the balance between three doshas and improve the digestion and absorption process.

  • Anti-aging treatment
    ( Rasayana)

    Rasayana which maintain exvcellent physical and mental health in mature age.

  • Common disease

    Cold ,Cough, Headache, Migraine, Allergies, Asthma.